Michigan's Best workforce experts
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Going Strong for Decades
For over 35 years, the Michigan Workforce Development Institute has provided services to job seekers and employers throughout the state of Michigan. We have helped thousands of job seekers achieve self-sufficiency by providing training and placement assistance in high-demand occupations. Our demand-driving business services model has helped employers remain competitive by attracting and retaining highly-trained and skilled workers.
The Michigan Workforce Development Institute offers:
- Career exploration and coaching for adults, youth and dislocated workers
- Occupational Skills Training
- Job placement
- Health and safety training
- Pre-apprenticeship training
- Apprenticeship Training
Since Dec. 1, 1983, we’ve served more than 60,000 Michigan job seekers. Our agency has administered over 300 federal, state, and local Michigan Works! Agency (MWA), Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), Workforce Investment Act (WIA), and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) contracts.Whether you’re looking for training, a new job, or to hire someone, the Michigan Workforce Development Institute can help.
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Questions? Get in touch here.
419 S Washington Square Ste. 300
Lansing, Michigan, 48933
Call or Fax
Phone : (517) 372-0784
Fax: (517) 372-0787
Powered by Partnerships
Our mission is to combat economic and environmental injustice by connecting the unemployed or underemployed with the training and resources necessary to find gainful employment and transition Michigan to a cleaner, greener economy.
The Michigan Workforce Development Institute is affiliated with the Michigan State AFL-CIO.